ADR-68: Configuring wearables

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Context and Problem Statement

As of today, when creating a wearable through the Builder UI, users have the possibility of uploading a ZIP file containing the asset's models and configuration file called asset.json. This JSON file is used to define some of the properties that the imported wearable will have (name, description, etc) or what the wearable type will be (standard wearable, smart-wearable, etc).

The format has a series of downsides that will be discussed below, but there's also one important subject to address: the responsibilities of information in the asset.json file are mixed. The file contains information the wearable needs and information that the Builder needs to import the wearable into the platform. These two responsibilities MUST be split in order to eventually be able to define wearables in other resources.

The current asset.json file has the following format:

  "id": "4c381333-767a-4036-9959-0fde335a4568",
  "assetType": "portable-experience",
  "name": "Portable Experience Example",
  "description": "My new Portable Experience",
  "category": "eyewear",
  "rarity": "mythic",
  "thumbnail": "glasses.png",
  "menuBarIcon": "glasses.png",
  "model": "glasses.glb",
  "bodyShape": "both"

These properties are used with the purpose described below:

The current format has some downsides that we need to tackle:

  1. It doesn't have the possibility to define representations with different 3D models, that is, a female and a male representation, each one with its 3D model shaped to their body shape.
  2. Wearable tags can't be defined.
  3. It's not possible to define which categories get to be hidden or replaced by the wearable and, as it doesn't allow each representation to be detailed, it doesn't allow overriding hides and replaces for each of representation.
  4. The name of the file asset.json is confusing as assets already have a file with the same name on them.
  5. The id property is used to identify the item in the builder-server, this doesn't describe the wearable.

These downsides make the current asset.json configuration file not suitable for describing wearables.

Proposed solution

To solve the downsides described above, and to provide a configuration file that only describes wearables two changes are proposed:

  1. The configuration file (former asset.json) should be named wearable.json.
  2. A new format is defined for the wearable.json that describes everything about a wearable. This format is taken from the wearable's entity metadata.
  3. All the information about the Builder and the platform is defined in another file in the ADR-69.

Although the format for the wearable.json is exactly the same as the wearables entity metadata, this ADR presents it to show how it solves the problem:

type Wearable = {
  /** The URN of the wearable */
  id: string
  /** Name of the wearable */
  name: string
  /** Description of the wearable */
  description?: string
  data: {
    /** Wearables to replace when equipping the wearable */
    replaces: WearableCategory[]
    /** Wearables to hide when equipping the wearable */
    hides: WearableCategory[]
    /** Tags to identify the wearable */
    tags: string[]
    /** Representations of the wearable */
    representations: WearableRepresentation[]
    /** Category of the wearable */
    category: WearableCategory
  /** Wearable's translated resources */
  i18n: I18N[]
  /** Thumbnail's path */
  thumbnail: string
  /** Image's path */
  image: string
  /** Rarity of the wearable */
  rarity?: Rarity
  /** Collection address of the standard wearable */
  collectionAddress?: string
  /** Contents map (file name -> hash) described in the ADR 62 for the third party items */
  content?: Record<string, string>
  /** Merkle proof, described in the ADR 62 for the third party items */
  merkleProof?: MerkleProof

type WearableRepresentation = {
  /** Body shape of the representation */
  bodyShapes: BodyShape[]
  /** File path to the main file of the representation (GLB, GLTF, etc) */
  mainFile: string
  /** A list of the file paths of the files that belong to the representation */
  contents: string[]
  /** Wearables to hide when equipping this representation */
  overrideHides: WearableCategory[]
  /** Wearables to replace when equipping this representation */
  overrideReplaces: WearableCategory[]

type I18N = {
  code: Locale
  text: string

enum Locale {
  EN = "en",
  ES = "es"

enum Rarity {
  UNIQUE = "unique",
  MYTHIC = "mythic",
  LEGENDARY = "legendary",
  EPIC = "epic",
  RARE = "rare",
  UNCOMMON = "uncommon",
  COMMON = "common"

enum WearableCategory {
  EYEBROWS = "eyebrows",
  EYES = "eyes",
  FACIAL_HAIR = "facial_hair",
  HAIR = "hair",
  HEAD = "head",
  BODY_SHAPE = "body_shape",
  MOUTH = "mouth",
  UPPER_BODY = "upper_body",
  LOWER_BODY = "lower_body",
  FEET = "feet",
  EARRING = "earring",
  EYEWEAR = "eyewear",
  HAT = "hat",
  HELMET = "helmet",
  MASK = "mask",
  TIARA = "tiara",
  TOP_HEAD = "top_head",
  SKIN = "skin"

enum WearableBodyShape {
  MALE = "urn:decentraland:off-chain:base-avatars:BaseMale",
  FEMALE = "urn:decentraland:off-chain:base-avatars:BaseFemale"

Where, although defined here, I18N, Locale, category, rarity, wearable representation and the body shapes are types borrowed from the current schemas defined in the common-schema repository.

Using the wearable metadata solves the problems of the old schema by:

  1. Having the representations property, where each representation can be detailed by specifying the body shape (urn:decentraland:off-chain:base-avatars:BaseMale or urn:decentraland:off-chain:base-avatars:BaseFemale), the main file (the file path of the main 3D asset that is used in the representation) and the contents (a list of file paths belonging to the content) of each representation.
  2. Having the tags property to be able to define tags for the wearable.
  3. Defining the hides, replace properties for the whole wearable and along with the representations' data the overrideHides with overrideReplaces properties, solving the issue of customizing how the wearable and its representations hide or replace other wearables.
  4. Removing the assetType and menuBarIcon as they don't define the wearable, they're properties that are used in the SDK side and will be moved to another file for its configuration on the SDK side.
  5. Changing the id property to decouple the format to describe the wearable from the information that the Builder needs. The id is now the URN of the wearable.

The following example shows how a standard wearable could be described using the wearable.json format:

  "id": "urn:decentraland:matic:collections-v2:0x588dab7702ae280e7c8967de8999eb635e4b5c2e:0",
  "name": "test",
  "rarity": "common",
  "description": "a description",
  "data": {
    "replaces": [],
    "hides": [],
    "tags": ["special", "new", "eyebrows"],
    "representations": [
        "bodyShapes": ["urn:decentraland:off-chain:base-avatars:BaseMale"],
        "mainFile": "aModelFile.glb",
        "contents": ["aModelFile.glb", "aTextureFile.png", "thumbnail.png"],
        "overrideHides": [],
        "overrideReplaces": []
    "category": "eyebrows"
  "i18n": [{ "code": "en", "text": "test" }],
  "thumbnail": "thumbnail.png",
  "image": "image.png",
  "collectionAddress": "0x588dab7702ae280e7c8967de8999eb635e4b5c2e"

An example on how a third party or linked wearable is defined using the wearable.json format can be found in the ADR-62.


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